Erasmus+ Projects

Here you can find the results of Erasmus + projects
Erasmus+ projects are initiatives funded by the Erasmus+ programme, a European Union programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Created in 2014 and active until 2027, the programme aims to boost skills and employability and modernise education, training and youth systems across Europe. The main objectives of Erasmus+ projects are as follows:
Key objectives:
- To improve participants’ skills and employability.
- Promote intercultural understanding and tolerance by enabling participants to discover new cultures and languages.
- To support innovation and modernisation in education systems and professional practices.
- Strengthen partnerships between educational establishments, businesses and other organisations to promote economic and social development.
- Erasmus+ projects are open to various organisations and individuals and aim to provide opportunities for various participants, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds or with special needs.