Fun For Foodies

  • If you consider yourself a foodie or just absolutely love great culinary experiences; Seafood Kitchen is just the day trip you have been looking for. The entire concept is designed around a boutique Slow Food adventure where small groups will get to Tour, Try and Taste like locals throughout the journey.   

    Your afternoon begins with a dedicated host who will guide you on a breathtaking tour from Reykjavik along the coast of the Reykjanes Peninsula which is full of history and naturally beautiful surroundings. 

    Upon arrival to the fishing village of Sandgerði, you will be greeted by our private chef who will help you select and filet your fish for the evening Seafood Feast.

    You will get personal insight and hands on experience on how locals prepare and spice Seafood dishes, homemade breads, traditional accompaniments and our “Only in Iceland” Skyr dessert.

    Once all that is left to do is to put dinner in the oven, we will leave our homemade meal in the hands of our chef to complete while we take a stroll through this fishing village and enjoy the amazing scenery of Sandgerði. 

    And now on to the main attraction!  We will arrive to the seaside restaurant Vitinn and enjoy our very own feast which is now ready.


Fun For Foodies

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Fun For Foodies tour to small fishing villages in Reykjanes-penisula


Farskóli Ferðaþjónustunnar

Ráðgjöf og fræðsla sérsniðin að þörfum ferðaþjónustunnar


Eldað í sveit Námskeið

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Markmiðið með þessu verkefni að koma inn í viðkomandi fyrirtæki og vinna að endurbótum í eldhúsi.


Ferðaþjónustan Námskeið

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